A few months ago, on the eve of my twentieth birthday, I set goals for myself. These goals – ranging from becoming fluent in Spanish to gaining my PhD before I turn 30 – will be my guiding principles for...

A few months ago, on the eve of my twentieth birthday, I set goals for myself. These goals – ranging from becoming fluent in Spanish to gaining my PhD before I turn 30 – will be my guiding principles for...
Do you know how to re-engage your students after summer break? We are headed back to school. Well, not quite yet. Summer has just begun. We thought this repost from Ayodele Harrison, Senior Partner, would give you some good tips...
by Natasha A. Harrision Unless you have been off the grid with no connectivity to the outside world, you have heard or seen Donald Sterling, owner of the LA Clippers. In what appears to be a private conversation with his...
https://superstore.wnd.com/voluntary-subscription Not everyone has the capacity to give to others. For people like you who have the advantage of engaging in philanthropy, it is also important to know if your donations are indeed, going to the right hands. So, here...