Shift the Power. Free the Money. is a 4-part series to understand and embrace community-led grantmaking. Shift the Power. Free the Money. is a reflection on how to effectively shift power and center the voice and experience of Black people,...

Shift the Power. Free the Money. is a 4-part series to understand and embrace community-led grantmaking. Shift the Power. Free the Money. is a reflection on how to effectively shift power and center the voice and experience of Black people,...
Shift the Power. Free the Money. is a 4-part series to understand and embrace community-led grantmaking. Shift the Power.Free the Money. is a reflection on how to effectively shift power and center the voice and experience of Black people especially...
Shift the Power. Free the Money. is a 4-part series to understand and embrace community-led grantmaking. Shift the Power.Free the Money. is a reflection on how to effectively shift power and center the voice and experience of Black people especially...
The latest results of a survey conducted by the Bureau of Labor Statistics have many business and community leaders taking a deeper look into an apparent and disturbing truth: Black women are leaving the workforce at an alarming rate. Take...
Foundations of all sizes put out racial equity or solidarity Black Lives Matter statements in May 2020 after the lynching of George Floyd. Many shared a commitment to shifting power to center the voice and experiences of Black people. So,...
From the Desk of the President and CEO Here’s Why You Can’t Recruit or Retain Black People and What You Can Begin to Do About It “..institutions commonly and unconsciously assume POC [People of Color] who are invited into the...