First, I give thanks that CBV offered me this opportunity to grow professionally as I have been clear that I wish to grow in my facilitation skills outside of my role as CBV Director of Business Development. So, I received...

First, I give thanks that CBV offered me this opportunity to grow professionally as I have been clear that I wish to grow in my facilitation skills outside of my role as CBV Director of Business Development. So, I received...
“We cannot disrupt our oppression using the logic that justifies our oppression.” -Audre Lorde Each time a person who wants to engage us says, “Our organization wants to be racial equity centered.” I hear, “So, you want to confront and...
Racial equity is a state that is possible only when one’s racial identity is no longer responsible for their future or their opportunities. It is one part racial justice, one part cultural empathy, and one part education. It seeks to dig...
Watch our President, Natasha A. Harrison, as she discusses the racial equity key skills. In this vlog, you will learn about the following four racial equity key skills: Noticing: feeling when something doesn’t feel right or aligned with being racial...
Take a look at any magazine in the grocery store checkout lane and you’re bound to find articles referencing “self care” and the importance of taking “me time” for anyone seeking happiness and a balanced life. While the theories behind...
At CommunityBuild Ventures, we pride ourselves on being a solution-based firm that’s committed to eliminating racial disparities. One of our favorite ways to do this is by partnering with organizations and entrepreneurs in our communities to help them recognize and...