Take a look at any magazine in the grocery store checkout lane and you’re bound to find articles referencing “self care” and the importance of taking “me time” for anyone seeking happiness and a balanced life. While the theories behind...

Take a look at any magazine in the grocery store checkout lane and you’re bound to find articles referencing “self care” and the importance of taking “me time” for anyone seeking happiness and a balanced life. While the theories behind...
Welcome to CommunityBuild Ventures, a consulting firm invested in helping leaders confront inequity head-on to transform their community members’ lives for the better. With an innate passion for dismantling racist structures and building thriving spaces for personal and community growth,...
At CommunityBuild Ventures, we recognize that in order to truly move forward from the systemic racism that has affected many BIPOC, we must first heal individually. To have the energy, stamina, and headspace necessary to dismantle oppressive systems and ward...
Here at CommunityBuild Ventures, we’re on a mission to change the world. With a clear aim to eradicate racial disparities by ensuring that you, as a leader, are aware of the root causes of racism and their consequences on society. This...
The structural and institutionalized racism that Black communities continue to endure across generations makes stress and burnout a pressing issue in the community. In fact, the harmful discrimination and influence from systems of white supremacy lead Black communities to have...
centering on a cultural norm of self-care and community care A culture of self-care and community care is when people care about each other’s physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being and support time boundaries. The culture is considerate of time...