In schools, a little thanks goes a long, long way. Gratitude is felt by both parties; the one giving and the one receiving. But in schools, gratitude is a ripple effect, cultivating a more compassionate, more community-driven environment for students...
From Our Senior Partner
As I write, I’m excited. I’m feeling humbled and exhilarated about BMEsTalk. The impact of our work since launching in 2017, leaves me speechless. My vision was a digital space to uplift the perspectives of Black Male Educators on Twitter. ...
Centering Racial Equity Requires “Brave Space Building”
What is a “Brave Space”? At CommunityBuild Ventures, we define it as a structured space to allow participants to be their most authentic selves and lean in more deeply in conversations centered on racial equity. Why do we offer Brave...
A Framework for Addressing Educational Inequities in Our Schools
To remedy and reverse the equity challenges present within our schools, school leadership teams must close the gap between their mission statement and their entire community’s lived experiences – parents, caregivers, teachers, administrators, staff, and students. To achieve world-class, equitable...
#BlackBold is Acknowledging Grief
CommuntiyBuild Ventures proclaims 2021 as #BlackBold. We pursue the creativity, boldness, and resilience of our ancestors to advance toward liberation. The resilience of our ancestors is rooted in centering self-care and healing. As we are all reeling from a year...
Grieve, Even if it Looks Weird
Grieve, Even if it Looks Weird By Imani Bryant In August of 2018, my paternal grandmother, Mary Alice, passed away. She was my only living grandmother and lived with my parents, sister, and me for years. She used to have...