Can you name the first three steps to beating emotionally challenging situations? Get Out of the Fire (GOTF) is an online learning series designed to inform and provide solutions to everyday people facing daily stressors that lead to burnout – feeling overwhelmed, overworked and over it. Listen as Ayodele and Natasha Harrison share scientific research with healing and emotional self-care practices. Their goal was to interrupt the cycle. They created this to help everyone.
As GOTF was discovered and evolved it became a CommunityBuild Ventures signature training. Our clients were joyfully surprised to see what happens when you can interrupt burn out and heal. Present day, GOTF is part of our New Way To THRIVE Institute.
In the GOTF Virtual Package, you will receive:
- 5 GOTF Learning Videos
- GOTF Interactive Workbook
- 5 Focused Breathing Demonstrations
Understand what your body, mind and emotions are experiencing leading up to and during burnout. Register today for your GOTF Virtual package.