racial equity Partners group

Let Me Finish

Let Me Finish

I am a big fan of the I Am Athlete podcast. It is hosted by 4 retired NFL football players Brandon Marshall, Chad Johnson, Fred Taylor and Channing Crowder. Each week, the fellas get together to discuss topics in sports, mental wellness, and their lived experiences as humans.

In a recent episode, Adam “Pacman” Jones joined them to discuss the firing of former NFL head coach Jon Gruden.

I am not going to comment on the firing or the particular opinions the men shared, but I am going to focus on the way these 5 retired NFL players spoke with and among one another.

It was so Black, so culturally affirming, and left me wanting more. So much more that I began to wonder about how the conversation would have unfolded if I facilitated using an equity-centered protocol. I share more in the video below.

To learn more about BMEsTalk and the work we led creating and curating safe, rich spaces from Black Male Educators to connect, grow and lead, visit our website: http://bmestalk.com/

Resource: The protocol I refer to in the video can be found on the School Reform Initiative’s Website

Note: This protocol is most powerful and effective when used within an ongoing professional learning community and facilitated by skilled facilitators.

Email me at [email protected] to learn more about training for facilitation. CommunityBuild Ventures also offers community tools with any session. Community tools are practices that can be utilized during a session to support integrity, communal safety, structure, and self-care.

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