Over the past 10+ years, both my professional and volunteer work has focused on racial equity at the intersection of art and culture. During the height of the global pandemic, I brought attention to the Community Foundation for Greater Atlanta’s...

Over the past 10+ years, both my professional and volunteer work has focused on racial equity at the intersection of art and culture. During the height of the global pandemic, I brought attention to the Community Foundation for Greater Atlanta’s...
Given the systemic drawbacks that people of color face on a daily basis, it can be hard for us to find peace and happiness in our local communities. However, we shouldn’t let societal issues keep us from experiencing joy. Many...
“A settled body enables you to harmonize and connect with other bodies around you, while encouraging those bodies to settle as well…Learning to settle your body and practicing wise and compassionate self-care are not about reducing stress; they’re about increasing...
“What I saw through the lens of my work was not a tragedy in the killings of unarmed people but the long arc of history. These were predictable outcomes based on the logic of weaponized fear and a legal system...
What does self-care mean to you? Touted by influencers and all-inclusive resorts in balmy, impossibly beautiful locales, self-care is often aligned with “treating yourself” and enjoying some decadence. Though it may be a trend in the wellness industry, civil rights...
After racial tension reached a fever pitch in 2020, there’s a renewed focus on diversity and inclusion in the workplace. Companies that have previously avoided any discussion of race took a public stance on racism and made commitments to achieving...