Here I am, just lil ole me
So happy to be me
Lovin me
Lovin Black me!
Rising with the sun simply to hug me
to sit with me
to move me
to connect to me
to speak LOVE over me
Love lives here…
In both the depths and in the shallow water of this 69’ model
Love moves in me, through me and around me
I was a slow learner
Never quite really taking the time to know me and grow me with love and intention
Not knowing that ALL is born on the inside and shows up on the outside
All love, all healing self-care and reckoning
Giving all to God for loving me first!
Allowing me the journey of Love..Black Love…Lovin Black Me!
Smiling from ear to ear, GOD LOVES ME!

Visionary. Creative. Community Leader. Entrepreneur. I have a broad and deep background that combines business development and management, sales, non-profit leadership developing youth leadership programs, fundraising, building a business from the ground up, and consulting for both corporations and non-profits.