racial equity Partners support

How Community Builds A Circle Of Support

In the individualistic culture that exists within the United States, one study revealed that 61% of Americans report feelings of loneliness and no one have a circle of support. This shocking statistic reveals the sheer importance of being a part of a community. Whether it is a workplace, school, government agency, or religious space, finding a sense of belonging amidst a group of people is one of the most rewarding experiences that you can have as a human. 

4 Benefits That Community Can Bring To Your Life

Community is essential for maintaining a fulfilling life due to the ways that it builds a circle of support around you through both the good times and the bad. More specifically, here are 4 of the many benefits that a well-functioning community can bring into your life: 

#1: Support and Assistance Through Hardships 

Whether it’s losing a job, experiencing loss, struggling with an illness, or another hardship, being a part of a community is paramount for getting the help you deserve through the tough times. 

This is because a strong community will show up for one another and provide services that lift each other up in times of distress. This support can look like offering a ride to an appointment, providing resources for your family, assisting with the job application process, or simply being a listening ear. 

#2: Healing And Self-Care

Building a thriving community is a perfect place to promote collective healing and self-care. This is because a supportive community creates a safe space for individuals to bond over shared trauma, oppression, and feelings with one another. By showing up authentically and openly to discuss these vulnerable topics, members will leave feeling less alone in their struggles and more supported to handle difficult life experiences. 

#3: Personal Growth And Development

The beauty of partaking in a community is the access to the different opinions, perspectives, struggles, and life experiences that each and every member brings to the table. Hearing these stories and points of view helps members challenge their previous assumptions, confront their unconscious biases, and build empathy and curiosity for one another and the world around them. 

#4: Improved Mental and Physical Health

Being part of a community with ample social support can lead to more positive long-term mental and physical health outcomes. One of the reasons for this correlation is the ways that social support has been linked to better resilience to stress, in turn decreasing harmful levels of cortisol in the body and the risk for high blood pressure and other adverse health outcomes from stress. 

Create An Inclusive Community With Community Build Ventures Today

In order to reap all of the benefits that come with building a community, it is important to ensure that each and every member of the said community feels safe, welcome, and supported in the space. This starts with prioritizing racial equity and addressing the racial oppression that continues to occur in today’s leaders and organizations. 

For professional assistance in creating a more inclusive and racially just community, consult with our solution-focused team at Community Build Ventures today. 

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